I know it’s been a while
like a loooong while
only because I’m finishing up the school year and having difficulty processing anything that doesn’t involve preschoolers graduating
do you know how cute preschoolers are? and how easy it is to fall in love with them?
I sure do and I’m not so sure I want to say goodbye to my graduates
but tomorrow I will say goodbye whether I want to or not and let them go on their cute, little way
And then I’ve been a tad sick
just FYI, Phoenix is awesome
but not so awesome for allergies
which turn into sinus infections
which turns into sitting on the couch with too much medicine running through my veins
but I do get to practice being hydrated, which is always a plus
Anyways in the mean time, I got to go shoot a wedding for A Moment In Time Photography
and it was scary, and awesome, and exciting, and nervewracking all at the same time
AND THEN just this morning I went and did a photoshoot for a friend’s daughter, Jazmen.
She is entering into the world of modeling and needed some Melissa photo lovin’
(that’s right, that’s what I’m gonna call it from now on)
You know what’s fun?
building confidence
This was the first time I went on a shoot and had at least an ounce!
and I will say that I loved every part of that ounce
(this is stolen from my Facebook status but I’m still just as excited so continue to be excited with me, ok?)
I had my first “not friend of a friend, other photographer” like on my Facebook page.
I got business cards which are AWESOME
you probably want to ask me for one
Ok, this was long.
Lesson learned.
Don’t get lazy.
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