We were able to squeeze in an extra day in San Francisco since we liked it so much.
I will just go ahead and insert my foot into my mouth since these are actually the words that came out of my mouth when discussing how long we would stay in SF
“Seriously? What is there to see? The Golden Gate Bridge…and we’ll be driving over that”
Yeah. Toes don’t taste so good.
We figured out how to use the BART system
(Bay Area Rapid Transportation for all of you not “in the know” like this little tourist)
thanks to a fine young man wearing a bright yellow YOLO shirt trying to sell us his awesome new rap CD…
which we bought for 2 dollars đŸ™‚
(some of you should be aware of this come white elephant gift time)
we successfully rode the train in
and walked our hungry little selfs to China Town first
Enjoy like 2.5 photos, there was so much going on, it was  sensory overload
and then we got our food… we pretty much devoured it
but I got a picture of the mini teacup and that’s what counts right?
and while were on the subject
I purchased a rice cooker about 1 month ago
it is one of the better decisions I have made in life
And from my favorite conversation that happened yesterday during a self thrown pity party
me: “I’m not even good at writing blogs anymore or taking pictures or getting likes on Facebook. I should quit life.”
hubby: “I think your great at all of those things and you entered that contest?..who knows maybe you’ll win that Mark 3D”
me: ” Do you mean a 5D Mark III? Although a 3D camera could be pretty cool”
It is actually a pretty crazy contest and would be amaze-balls if I won.
You should enter it yourself by going here
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