Welcome to our Christmas morning! It was imperfect, blurry, and filled with incredible cases of bedhead but so, so sweet. Here are some things I would like to remember forever, in no particular order:
Lillian likes all things purple
Our cinnamon rolls weren’t homemade this time but still delicious (I’m looking at you, Trader Joes. You da bomb)
Tiny feet
Difficulty sharing, tantrums and gentle discipline (I married a good man)
Dragging gift bags because mama finally said we can touch the presents
Way too many toys
Blurry photos are acceptable
Micah had no idea what he was doing but was thrilled nonetheless
I should pay attention to measurements before I buy things (holy dollhouse batman, #whoops)
Slobbery kisses (but seriously, that teething drool though)
Our house was a beautiful disaster
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