It’s still a process people.

We just got back from Chicago last night.
It was a long day but let me just say this
From now on I will save editing for plane rides.

The flight went by SO fast.

I worked on some more photos from a wedding last month…
(since I am finally figuring out lightroom…more on that in a second)

It's still a process people.

It's still a process people.

It's still a process people.

It's still a process people.

It's still a process people.

This one may be bit blurry but it

It's still a process people.


It's still a process people.It's still a process people.

So back to learning lightroom.

I have a theory that when you are learning something new, you forget all the information you do already know.
i.e. my latest google search
“how to select multiple photos in lightroom 3”

True story.

But like I said back at the way, way beginning…

It’s a process, people.

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