My Little Pretty

I recently won a camera bag from ONA on this amazing blog, Color Issue.

The task was simple. 1. Follow Color Issue 2. Leave a comment with what color you would want and how you shared it (on Facebook, your blog, etc.)

I wanted plum and I shared it on my old blog.

I found out later in the week that I had won it out of 500 or so people.

Me! Little ole’ padawan photographer, me!

It arrived ALMOST in time for my first solo wedding last Saturday. I found it on my stoop after I got home from the wedding


and oh my goodness.
It is beautiful. and I totally picked the right color. She has yet to be named. We are still in the “get to know you phase” but I am open to suggestions from you. I will say that she is rather large and I am rather short in stature.

My Little PrettyMy Little Pretty

My Little PrettyI told you it was rather large. It takes some force to swing it around this body of mine.My Little PrettyMy Little PrettyMy Little PrettyMy Little PrettyWrigley decided to get involved

My Little Pretty

My Little Pretty

I love my little pretty.

I was going to talk about how if I ever get to the point where I have enough followers to have a give away, I would definitely do an ONA bag.
I am fairly certain it is not in my future to be a professional blogger. This stuff is so stinkin confusing.

  1. Blogger/Blogspot (is it the same thing) or wordpress?
  2. How the heck do you import a template for your blog on either one of these or import multiple photos on wordpress?
  3. Apparently you can add widgets to the side of a page, I can’t see mine. Supposedly they are on the about page? Tell me how to get to that. I’m assuming that I, at some point, filled in information that is on that page.
  4. Are people even going to look at this ridiculous thing? (I’m thinking if I surpass my following of 18 people on blogspot and hit an even 20 on wordpress, I’ll keep it :))
  5. Β Can you even follow people on wordpress?

I’m a lost little puppy in the blogging world. It really is pathetic that as a 20 something year old, I can’t figure this out.
I seriously have 98.5% no clue what I’m doing. I’m a disaster.

But hey, I will say this. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing when I started editing and I have learned A LOT. And have enjoyed learning the “a lot” amount that I have.

I’m not quite to that “enjoying to learn” point yet with this thing.

But hey, I have an awesome bag now so that kind of evens everything out, right?

  1. Sarah Harris says:

    That is an awesome and cute camera bag! Congratulations!

  2. Hi Melissa! I’m not sure if you remember me from ISU or not, but I’ve been having fun following your photography – it’s beautiful! I’ve been blogging for almost 2 years, so I might have some answers to your questions…

    Blogger/Blogspot is the same thing I’m pretty sure – WordPress is where it’s at though. If you have a Windows computer, you can download a program called Windows Live Writer and it will change your entire blogging process. It’s basically the best thing ever. I wish someone had told me about it the first year I was blogging. It’s easier to import pictures (you can click and drag them into the program).

    As for your widgets, I would check your theme’s options on your dashboard. I am self hosted, so it probably looks different than mine, but there should be somewhere you can check to make sure your sidebars are activated.

    As for getting your name out there and having people “follow” you, see if you can insert an option in your widgets for adding an RSS feed so people can get email subscriptions. I tend to use social media a lot to get followers, and when I was first starting out I commented on a lot of blog that were similar to mine to get more followers.

    Hope this was helpful!

    • Hi Chelsey!

      OF COURSE I remember you! It’s good to hear from you πŸ™‚

      I have a mac and just did a bit of research and I guess there is a close equivalent called MarsEdit. I will have to look into that.

      Your information is super helpful! I tried to get to your blog but could only get to your gravatar (?) and couldn’t find your blog from there. is totally pathetic, haha. I will have to try to find it through Facebook.

      I guess I’m off to find more photography blogs! and figure out the RSS thing πŸ™‚

  3. Madison Kate says:

    Hello! okay so I just stumbled across your site this morning during my daily search for inspiring blogs, and so far, I just love your site! haha I recently started my blog and am in the process of figuring out my own photographer journey, and I can completely relate to all your posts. Makes me realize that I’m not totally as lost and alone in this adventure as it may seem sometimes! Thanks for all the tips and resources – I haven’t seen many of your suggestions which appear to be super helpful.

    Anyway, best of luck! πŸ™‚

    • Oh yay!! Another newbie! It makes my heart happy to know I am not alone either! I’m blessed to be surrounded by real professionals (or who I refer to as my photography Jedis :)) who are always giving me advice. I’m pretty sure that whatever small amount of tips or advice I do give did not come from me, haha. I LOVE that you love my site….thanks for making my day!

  4. […] lots of continual practice, learning how to put two pictures next to each other, a Facebook page, winning an amazing camera bag, 104 likes on a Facebook page, a blogsite, business cards, too many blog posts, multiple family […]

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